The InspireLife project is aimed at strengthening the capacity of young girls in Secondary school, enabling them develop life skills such as Assertiveness skills, negotiation, refusal skills, healthy self esteem amongst others, to enable them make informed decisions in the actualization of set goals. Being the maiden project of the Foundation, the blind/visually impaired students of Queen’s College, Yaba Lagos are the pilot group. The project is divided into four aspects
1. Discovering Self School Based Outreach, targets young girls in secondary schools.
2. Strengthening Family Support for the Girl Child: Targets are parents, guardians and care-givers of children with disabilities particularly female children. On their role and how to provide the needed morale, emotional and other support required for the proper growth of the children and in tackling the challenges of Disabilities.
3. Breast & Cervical Cancer Awareness/Screening for Women/Girls with Disabilities: Create awareness on these Cancers that also affects us, who may be at a higher risk due to inaccessible medical facilities. We also make the screening free in collaboration with Organisations working in the area of Cancer services.
4.Back2School education Project: focuses on teenage and young mothers who dropped out of school owing to challenges of pregnancy and aspirations to return to school. A young blind mother has been successfully enrolled in a tertiary institution.